quarta-feira, 19 de maio de 2010

Musicas que ficam... #4

Through the Trees - RF & Lili de La Mora

A calma que esta musica transparece... incomparavel...
Cada vez que a ouço so me faz pensar que estou a sonhar...

Through the Trees

Listen and drive while you talk
I listen and drive while you talk
about home, the weather

While autumn leaves descend so gracefully
lights up your face alive with color
this filtered light from above

Your images pour through a hole in my head
no reason, rhyme, nonetheless you're confident

Come let's stop the car, get lost for a while
arm in arm we'll weave our dreams through the trees
let my silence speak for me

Perhaps you could be, a bridge
between what we perceive and believe

Sunbeam come again, play your game
Sunbeam play your game of light
through our eyes

Perhaps you could be, a bridge
between what we perceive and believe

Ps:Outra musica que sugiro desta cantora é Miles and Miles... infelizmente não a consegui encontrar para vos mostrar... mas tenho-a no meu pc... se interessados digam qualquer coisa =P


1 comentário:

  1. Simm. Quando faço porcaria, consigo arranjar uma maneira de fazer AINDA mais porcaria.
    Mas prontos, sou assim xD

    Abraço ;)

    (a música fica mesmooooo no ouvido! :) )
